Tag Archives: #leadership

The exact choice of a Task Management Tool is not so important

This is something that has been brewing in my mind for the past few months. There are many many task management tools out there, and some market themselves exclusively now on smartphones. I started looking for task management tools when I was doing my PhD, and I distinctly remember that a seminar came up in the university library on this topic, and I went there, where they introduced a couple of tools. I now forget the other tool, but the tool which I picked up was to use was Trello, which I then used extensively during the PhD to manage various projects and tasks. For example, I remember I had a specific board for one of the scientific articles I was writing.

An example Trello board on a Masters research study I was supervising on an application of satellite-based InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar).

Trello was of great help to me in managing my tasks and time, and I could follow my own progress, and not forget critical things. I carried over Trello into my academic career as well, and also for planning small projects + information organization in my personal life, e.g. travel, car buying etc., for which I still use it.

Since then, over the years, I have used many task management tools, such as: Asana, TickTick, Wrike, Microsoft Teams Lists. These multiple choices have been primarily driven by the tool in use or proposed by the organization I was working with. One of the new players on the block, with very heavy advertising, which I have not used, is Monday.com

So, with all this experience over the years, I can say this with confidence: The exact specific choice of a task management tool does not matter! You cannot find everything in one tool, every single one of them has 1-2 things missing. None of them is perfect, and yet all of them are perfect. The most important thing is to commit to one, and then work your way through it, and also to use it according to your requirements. If it is to be used by a team, then getting buy-in from the team is very important, because a task management system for a team only works when everyone is on board and using it every day.